Previously I've crossposted my devlog entries between here and the game's site, but it's actually quite time consuming to fix up the formatting, so this time I'll just link there. I'll post some extra commentary here though.Grift & Grind (working title):
A roguelike for the 2023 7DRL contest! Tile-based, turn-based, tactical with careful time and item management... but never mind that. It's a game about doing the bare minimum tasks to keep your job... or just trick someone else to do them, automate them, or score points with the CEO while you dodge your boss, mess with your coworkers, sell trade secrets and falsify expenses.
Day 1
Day 1 is finished, actually it's 15 hours into Day 2, but I've only just finished writing my devlog! Argh! (Preview: Day 2 is very poor)
Day 1 - Unpaid afterhours (TMC)
Day 1 - Alarm clock goes Bzzzt (Seilburg)