The False Skies nearing-the-end-of-development thread

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Metal Slime
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The False Skies nearing-the-end-of-development thread

Post by Feenicks »

It's probably time I put one of these up here
Back at the end of May I got the provisional, I-could-put-this-on-Steam-worst-comes-to-worst version of False Skies set up.

It's been two months since then, and in that time I've been been fixing up and adding to various things, rebalancing a lot of enemies [mostly upwards], and drawing a bunch of the tilesets and enemies needed for the bonus dungeon.

So here's some of them:


There's now a primer at the start of the game on a few things regarding the setting and a few mechanical things. It's completely optional, and I've started on a reference guide that'll update through the game and include the stuff mentioned here, but I can't imagine having this right at the start will cause many major issues.


Items from treasure chests now show a description when you don't have a copy of it in your inventory.


I went and redrew a few of the iffier things that can be seen in the earlygame [that is, the forest battle background and two of the bird enemies]. I also replaced the blue slimes in the opening field with something slightly more interesting, but I'm pretty sure I did that prior to getting the provisional release out the door.


And lastly, two mockups from the bonus dungeon. It's part reprise dungeon, part new stuff, and as proper for a bonus dungeon will be filled with frankly unfair enemies.

There's been some other tweaks [a greatly reduced encounter rate and reduced costs for healing/getting dragged back after a party wipe, to name two], but this is the main stuff I've been getting done. I put down a release date in September in Steam, but in all likelihood I'm probably not going to be making even that at the rate I'm going.

I'm also looking for playtesters, as always. I've put a link or two in the SS discord, but if you're interested in testing it out send me a message and I can get a copy to you that way.
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Bob the Hamster
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Re: The False Skies nearing-the-end-of-development thread

Post by Bob the Hamster »

I'm excited. Please contact me about Android port :)
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Metal Slime
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Re: The False Skies nearing-the-end-of-development thread

Post by Feenicks »

maybe leaving this thread untouched for 2 months wasn't ideal

First things first, I uploaded a way more representative and up-to-date demo to here. Probably a bit better than keeping the one from 2020 around.

Second, I finally finished up all the bonus/extra dungeon stuff. It took a bit of time, sure, but 50 maps and 100+ new enemy definitions, to say nothing of everything else involved, would do that. I've uploaded the provisional final release to Steam, but would prefer to have a few people run through the game themselves before releasing it, to say nothing of a few last things that need checking.
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