Bob vs the OHR

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Metal Slime
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Bob vs the OHR

Post by Fenrir-Lunaris »

Bob the Hamster has a nightmare. A nightmare that promises a grand adventure. What he doesn't expect is that this adventure will take him beyond the borders of the known world and stretch out into the imagination.


A game created for the Ridiculous Games Competition 2022, paying homage to the Hamster Republic's beloved mascot Bob the Hamster and the work of James Paige... and then a good bit extra to boot!

Game is intended for audiences 17 and up.
Game file. No Mac support :V
(15.38 MiB) Downloaded 709 times
Just a Demo!
Just a Demo!
hamster0003.png (28.46 KiB) Viewed 5183 times
hamster0004.png (30.21 KiB) Viewed 5183 times
Fearsome foes will block your path!
Fearsome foes will block your path!
hamster0017.png (30.67 KiB) Viewed 5183 times
Explore a world of deep and mysterious lore.
Explore a world of deep and mysterious lore.
hamster0020.png (20.06 KiB) Viewed 5183 times
Encounter depressed millenials.
Encounter depressed millenials.
hamster0021.png (21.34 KiB) Viewed 5183 times
We're going to Candy Mountain!
We're going to Candy Mountain!
hamster0023.png (13.77 KiB) Viewed 5183 times
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