(I wouldn't be against someone making a game about me, so I suppose I'm opting in. However, I can't *recommend* making a game about me, both because I have yet to actually finish and release an OHR game, and because I have no life and am generally not very interesting. Pokemon Go Community Day events are pretty much the highlight of the month around my place.)
Actually, that raises an interesting question. Could we make a game about multiple people in the community instead of just one? Like, could we make an RPG where you have Prifurin, Kylekrack, and Gaplan as heroes in your party, since they've often worked on games together?
Also, would it be fair to say that Mystery Dungeon Friends is a good example of the kind of portrayals of people in the community we should be shooting for, and that if your game is going to portray other people in a way that's significantly meaner than that game, it's a bad idea?