One Day, We May Yet Learn To Forgive dev thread

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Re: One Day, We May Yet Learn To Forgive dev thread

Post by Hedera »

Bob the Hamster wrote: Thu Jul 21, 2022 10:53 am Do you have an "after battle" script trigger? You could check the tag 104 in the after battle script, and if it is on, then you fix the layers
I do. This is the after battle script.

Code: Select all

plotscript, light already cast, dummy map layer, begin	# autorun script for indoor maps

	if (check tag (104))				# has light been cast?
	then	(					#
		change tileset (19, dummy map layer)	# then recast it as needed
...wait, after battle scripts don't have arguments, so the variable dummy map layer isn't defined. :gonk:

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Re: One Day, We May Yet Learn To Forgive dev thread

Post by Bob the Hamster »

Yay, glad it works! If the dummy layer variable still gives you trouble, let me know and I am sure we can find a solution
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Re: One Day, We May Yet Learn To Forgive dev thread

Post by Hedera »

I changed it to a switch (current map)
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Re: One Day, We May Yet Learn To Forgive dev thread

Post by Hedera »

The player is given the option of how many levels bosses give out. Yes this is a debugging tool that's also a feature. Yes this boss doesn't give a level on Minimum.
also maptiles and battle backgrounds are darker because better brightness contrast = better dogge visibility
also maptiles and battle backgrounds are darker because better brightness contrast = better dogge visibility
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Re: One Day, We May Yet Learn To Forgive dev thread

Post by Hedera »

second boss completed, there's a lot going on in this gif so allow me to go point by point:

* Sven, the Guardian, is a red mage type character who's also very fast but also fragile. He uses wind and electric magic (not shown here), plus the spell Vampire which drains enemy Health equal to his own lost Health.
* Sven's special ability, Focus, makes him wait a turn, then attacks for 2.5x damage. It can miss, and can do critical hits.
* Rufus, the diplomat, uses techniques instead of magic. Tech increases each turn, and is shown by the cyan-colored bar behind his listed health. His techniques are a mixture of status effects and attacks, including attacks that only work on biological enemies or mechanical enemies. (Rufus himself is mechanical, although nothing resulting from that appears in the gif)
* Rufus' special ability, Medical, revives dead bio allies with 1 Health and then resets everyone's status. This means that stat boosts as well as stat drops are undone by this.
* Rufus and Marcus both use guns instead of other weapons. Guns do a fixed amount of damage and ignore defense.
* Marcus throws bombs that do a lot of damage. They actually have a base damage of 60, which is divided by the number of targets. What this means is that if party members die, bombs become much more powerful against the survivors. (Not shown: due to how multipliers work in the damage math, the Reinforce status (defense up) does jack against bombs... although if you're using Medical, it goes away in any case)
* Marcus uses techniques of his own, and demonstrates the Erase status which reduces someone's tech to 0.
* Not shown: Marcus is vulnerable to status effects, in particular Sleep and Erase. Use your techniques!
* Finally, dead heroes gain experience so don't worry if you have casualties at the end of a fight.
this all took way too long to implement aaaaaah
this all took way too long to implement aaaaaah
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Re: One Day, We May Yet Learn To Forgive dev thread

Post by Hedera »

I'm not going to have an actual game finished by the end of this month, so it'll probably be pared down to just the battles for playtesting purposes. :zombie:
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Re: One Day, We May Yet Learn To Forgive dev thread

Post by Hedera »

this took me two and a half weeks to get working :zombie: :zombie: :zombie: :zombie: :zombie: :zombie: :zombie: :zombie: :zombie: :zombie:
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Re: One Day, We May Yet Learn To Forgive dev thread

Post by Hedera »


it looks roughly like it's supposed to but it doesn't actually translate flipped tags to starting levels and party composition yet
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Re: One Day, We May Yet Learn To Forgive dev thread

Post by Hedera »

EDIT: it works now after changing part of the lost battle script to

Code: Select all

	if (check tag (270))			# in the battle test thingy
	then	(
		if (check tag (324))		# surrendered
		then	(
			show text box (161)
		else	(
			show text box (136)
		wait for text box
		show text box (160)
		wait for text box
		reset game
why does this work when show text box (n), where n connects to n + 1 which then runs the reset game script, didn't? because

currently dealing with a bug where a game over script's called but not followed through on, trying to figure out why it's happening, and how to make it quit

here are two scripts, the first is called by a textbox from an npc, the second is a game over script; tag 270 is flipped on when in the battle test mode

Code: Select all

plotscript, boss fight queen, begin

	wait for mm close
	enemy random stats (16, 19, 13)
	enemy random stats (25, 27, 22)
	boss stats (33, 35, 30)
	enemy exp to next levels (35)
	from enc group (10, 10, 41)
	wipe all tags (107, 108)
	if (check tag (270))			# battle testin'
	then	(
		show text box (80)		# death textbox
	plotscript, lost battle, begin

	# This handles game overs. Prepare to expand it greatly.
	stop song
	show backdrop (0)
	show value (42069)
	trace value (42069)
	if (check tag (270))			# in the battle test thingy
	then	(
		if (check tag (324))		# surrendered
		then	(
			show text box (161)
		else	(
			show text box (136)
what's supposed to happen: the battle's fought, you die (or surrender), a textbox appears, it connects to another textbox, which then calls a script that resets the game

what's actually happening: the battle's fought, you die (or surrender), the textbox that appears when you win supplants that that tells you game over

the lost battle script's being called, because of the show value (42069), but instead of showing the textbox where you get a game over, instead it shows the one where the boss dies instead of you

before you ask, yes I tried it in the latest nightly (sept. 3, 2022), no nothing changes

in conclusion, :zombie:
this, though, this is nice
this, though, this is nice
ODWMYLTF0096.png (2.86 KiB) Viewed 5213 times
gif made before the show & trace value lines were added, but still, the same thing's happening regardless
gif made before the show & trace value lines were added, but still, the same thing's happening regardless
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this isn't nice at all, I was lied to
this isn't nice at all, I was lied to
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Re: One Day, We May Yet Learn To Forgive dev thread

Post by Hedera »

odwmyltf version 0.00, testing battles through the prologue ... 9b5f525840
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Re: One Day, We May Yet Learn To Forgive dev thread

Post by Hedera »

One week after it was released into the wild, it's come to my attention that the pre-pre alpha version I uploaded has the "content warning: people slime" screen appear the first time you play it. I'd thought I'd dummied that out, and as such, I ended up promising people sliming, when there aren't any. I take full responsibility for this unfortunate oversight.

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Re: One Day, We May Yet Learn To Forgive dev thread

Post by Hedera »

posting this gif of me discovering what holding ctrl + shift + up does in the map editor, because it looks cool and now I'm wondering if something like this can be done in-game as an effect
it reminds me of blowing up the warship in ff2
it reminds me of blowing up the warship in ff2
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Re: One Day, We May Yet Learn To Forgive dev thread

Post by Bob the Hamster »

You could script something similar I think. You would get slice handles to the map layers, and then offset each layer by a different amount using "move slice by"
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Re: One Day, We May Yet Learn To Forgive dev thread

Post by Hedera »

title screen and attract mode
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Re: One Day, We May Yet Learn To Forgive dev thread

Post by Hedera »

have a couple gifs taken from the intro, in all their unfinished graphical glory
time lapse of where the city of laconia would eventually be founded
time lapse of where the city of laconia would eventually be founded
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and then a bunch of it is burned down by jerks
and then a bunch of it is burned down by jerks
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