EDIT: it works now after changing part of the lost battle script to
Code: Select all
if (check tag (270)) # in the battle test thingy
then (
if (check tag (324)) # surrendered
then (
show text box (161)
else (
show text box (136)
wait for text box
show text box (160)
wait for text box
reset game
why does this work when show text box (n), where n connects to n + 1 which then runs the reset game script, didn't? because
currently dealing with a bug where a game over script's called but not followed through on, trying to figure out why it's happening, and how to make it quit
here are two scripts, the first is called by a textbox from an npc, the second is a game over script; tag 270 is flipped on when in the battle test mode
Code: Select all
plotscript, boss fight queen, begin
wait for mm close
enemy random stats (16, 19, 13)
enemy random stats (25, 27, 22)
boss stats (33, 35, 30)
enemy exp to next levels (35)
from enc group (10, 10, 41)
wipe all tags (107, 108)
if (check tag (270)) # battle testin'
then (
show text box (80) # death textbox
plotscript, lost battle, begin
# This handles game overs. Prepare to expand it greatly.
stop song
show backdrop (0)
show value (42069)
trace value (42069)
if (check tag (270)) # in the battle test thingy
then (
if (check tag (324)) # surrendered
then (
show text box (161)
else (
show text box (136)
what's supposed to happen: the battle's fought, you die (or surrender), a textbox appears, it connects to another textbox, which then calls a script that resets the game
what's actually happening: the battle's fought, you die (or surrender), the textbox that appears when you win supplants that that tells you game over
the lost battle script's being called, because of the show value (42069), but instead of showing the textbox where you get a game over, instead it shows the one where the boss dies instead of you
before you ask, yes I tried it in the latest nightly (sept. 3, 2022), no nothing changes
in conclusion,