Why Are Sounds Not Playing?

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Why Are Sounds Not Playing?

Post by Eonhetwo »

Hi folks, got a quick question,

So, I'm trying to make an alternate battle script where you must hit the spacebar at the appropriate time to land a hit, hopefully the gif below gives an idea of what I mean.

And here's the code for it, (well, the relevant part of the code anyways)

Code: Select all

while (check tag(6))
alter npc (8,NPCstat:move type,npcmovetype:pace)

if (key is pressed (key:Space)) 
then (

 if (NPC x(8)==mex  && check tag(4))
alter npc (8,NPCstat:move type,npcmovetype:standstill)
play sound (26)

show text box (2)
wait for text box
delete item(1,1)

if &#40;monsterhp<=0&#41;
then &#40;
set tag &#40;3,on&#41;
set tag &#40;6,off&#41;
resume player&#41;
else &#40; 

if &#40;check tag &#40;4&#41;&#41;
then &#40;  
alter npc &#40;8,NPCstat&#58;move type,npcmovetype&#58;standstill&#41;
play sound &#40;25&#41;

show text box &#40;3&#41;
wait for text box
delete item&#40;1,1&#41;

 playsound &#40;3&#41;

replace backdrop sprite &#40;light,1&#41;
set npc position &#40;6,0,68&#41;
set npc position &#40;7,1,68&#41;
set npc position &#40;8,2,68&#41;
play sound &#40;27&#41;

The stuff I didn't include was declaring global variables, moving NPCs into place (the red crosshair is an NPC moving between two other NPCs) blah blah blah

Anyways!.. What's going sour here is this; Sometimes the sound won't play when it is supposed to! And it's kind of predictable in how it does this.

If I land a 'hit' three times in a row, the third hit does not play sound. If I land a 'miss' twice in a row, the second miss doesn't provide sound.

Soooo what's the deal? Is the fact that I'm using global variables instead of local variables at all related? Am I nesting too many 'if' statements? Any insight would be much appreciated![/code]
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Post by kylekrack »

The sound is probably not finished playing before the next one starts. You need to make the 'preempt' argument true in play sound. It should be "play sound(25, false, true)". Check out the dictionary entry for more details: http://hamsterrepublic.com/ohrrpgce/nig ... -playsound
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Bob the Hamster
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Post by Bob the Hamster »

Have a look at the docs for "play sound" https://hamsterrepublic.com/ohrrpgce/ni ... -playsound

Notice that the optional "preempt" argument defaults to "false"

That means that if you play a sound, and then play it again a second time before the first play is finished, the second play will do nothing.

I find that default regrettable. Almost every time, what I want is:

Code: Select all

play sound&#40;ID, false, true&#41;
Which means that if the sound is already playing, it will be stopped, and replaced with the new sound.

Please let me know if this helps you! :)

EDIT: oops! typing-at-the-same-time-buddies! :D
Last edited by Bob the Hamster on Wed Jan 27, 2021 8:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Red Slime
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Post by Eonhetwo »

Yall are the BEST! It works like a charm, thanks lots!
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Post by kylekrack »

Bob the Hamster wrote:EDIT: oops! typing-at-the-same-time-buddies! :D
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Pepsi Ranger
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Post by Pepsi Ranger »

My Convenience Functions scripting mod has a command that will "reset sound" when called. This allows you to cut off the in-progress sound and play a new iteration of it (if it's the same sound effect ID). This is great for shooters or anything that requires the same sound in rapid succession.

Of course, a better version (maybe for volume 2) would be to slightly alter the volume of the second sound to layer over the first one, and depending on how long it takes to finish each iteration of the sound, keep adding slight alterations to the volume for each successive repeat of that sound until the original finishes and the next iteration can play at the original volume. That would make resetting unnecessary in some repeat cases.

Might be something for James or TMC to tackle.
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