trunkmenu isn't the script with the infinite loop, that's test11. Could you post test11?
One of the errors you posted, in trunkmenu, is on the line
sltest := slice child (menu items, selection)
The script debugger shows at the bottom "setvar(global72,slicechild(0,0)" which means that menuitems is global 72, and that menuitems is 0 and selection is 0. So the problem is that menuitems is 0. Looking up the script I see that menuitems isn't even set! Instead, it loads
menu items2 := lookup slice (sli: menu items, collection)
Fix that by replacing menuitems2 with menuitems. Why is menuitems a global variable? It should be a local in this script. If your global called menuitems is already used for something else then instead replace all instances of "menu items" with "menu items2" in this script.
You can't run a subscript from another script or from an event in Custom.If I remember correctly from what I learnt: you can't run a script which is itself inside a script...
except for a automnumber.
"define script(autonumber, ...)" is obsolete, you can just remove any autonumber line like that.
Code: Select all
if (keyval(key:esc), xor, keyval(key:alt)) then, begin
Code: Select all
if (key is pressed(key:esc) || key is pressed(key:alt)) then, begin
Code: Select all
if (key is pressed(menu key)) then, begin