So apparently you can donate

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So apparently you can donate

Post by Mogri »

Intrepid user Virtuous Sword just surprised me by doing something that I did not know was possible: becoming the first person to donate directly to the site. I have no idea how Virtuous Sword stumbled upon it -- it took me a few minutes to figure out how to generate this link, but here is the donation URL.

If you have been around long enough, then you know that I have never petitioned donations to keep the site around. The site has been useful to me personally as well as professionally, and it is not a financial burden. It is the site's continued policy that donations are neither required nor requested, and I will continue to foot the bill for the foreseeable future.

That said, thanks are in order, so thank you, Virtuous Sword.
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Post by SwordPlay »

I found it via the Wiki>Contributing(in the sidebar)>Donating
(you can also search for "donating" I think)

Cheers for everything! Happy to give something back. I should be thanking YOU!
It means a lot to have this place, and I am really grateful for it.

EDIT: I'm also really glad that it went through. Thought the info might be outdated and my money might go missing somehow
Last edited by SwordPlay on Fri Sep 01, 2017 11:49 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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