I remember a decade plus ago Komera asking for mouse support in the map editor for exactly that reason: it was impractical for her to work on her game with one hand. That request still motivates me to get around to it someday!
(But I'm not claiming it; James is welcome to work on the map editor if he wants to!)
In combination with reimporting scripts into the .rpg with F9, it's really useful to go to the in-game F5 Reloading menu while using Test Game and enabling auto-reload of scripts (meaning that game.exe reloads them from the .rpg). You'll see some annoying warnings about any scripts that are still running when scripts get reloaded.
When working on a game with a scripted main loop, I write it like this:
Code: Select all
plotscript, main loop, begin
while(true) do (
each tick
script, each tick, begin
# ... all the stuff happening each tick, which I might edit while I'm testing the game
This way only the skeletal 'mainloop' script keeps running, everything else can be reloaded if I edit it.