Whoa there Giz, an admirable effect but you've gone all-in perhaps a tad too quick, as it looks like someone's beaten you to it! I'll take
"sorting strings" as your feature request though.
There ought to be options to resize the choice box (and overhauling textboxes is on the cards), but as your script showed, it's quite possible to manipulate the textbox slices to achieve a lot of things.
guo wrote:Let us choose accuracy/dodge stats for attacks much as with attack/defence (eg use speed as dodging stat, or attack as accuracy)
I keep thinking that we already have that. It's quite straightforward to add.
guo wrote:Naming of formation sets - for ease of use when mapping
Naming gets requested for lots of things. As we update the file formats for different types of objects (which happens very slowly) we'll add the option to assign names.
guo wrote:*Using shift+arrows to change the order of items in the item editor (not sure how feasible this would be, or if it would mess things up)
It's interesting how often people request the ability to reorder item definitions and other things. The answer is that the simplest implementation would mean that the item ID numbers would be wrong everywhere that you used them, and save files wouldn't be compatible either. We could automatically fix up all of those, but it's much more work. Just being able to rearrange the order the items appear in the editor without changing their ID numbers would be significantly less work, but is that good enough?
Idontknow wrote:Make it so items can be equipped to more than one slot, like an item could be specified to be equipped to the second, third and fourth slot instead of just one, or possible dual wielding shenanigans by allowing more than one weapon to be equipped.
I've seen this requested quite a few times, so I wanted to make sure that the
Plan for improved items allows it. However, I might that plan might be overly complicated.
Gizmog wrote:#I could chjeck this if I really wanted to by suspending box advance and using Ctrl+F4 to open the slice collection debug, but I don't really want to
You're referring to Ctrl+F4 advancing the textbox before you get to inspect the slices, which is very annoying, but they way around it is to press F8 to get to the debug menu and open the slice debugger there.