New forum: Q&A Discussion

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Moderators: Bob the Hamster, marionline, SDHawk

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New forum: Q&A Discussion

Post by Mogri »

Our layout has changed a bit today with the addition of the Q&A forum. The intent of this forum is to create a space where users can find answers to their questions, either in the form of questions that have already been asked, or by asking a new question.

SDHawk has graciously volunteered to head up the effort to transfer existing threads from Game Discussion to the new forum. If you would like to help, please respond to this thread with suggestions of threads that should be moved.

There is admittedly some overlap between the Q&A and Game Discussion forums. It's not inappropriate to ask "how do I" questions in your game-specific thread, for instance. But when you create a new thread, here are the general guidelines:

Game Discussion: Advertising your game, showing off graphics, asking a game's author a non-technical question about that game, telling James to release Callypigous already, asking for someone to help you make your game, asking for suggestions on making your game better

Q&A Discussion: Asking how to accomplish a certain task, sharing tips on game creation, asking for debugging help, discussing game development methodologies

General Discussion: Anything else

When in doubt, go with the forum that feels best for your thread, and keep the "shouldn't this go in the other forum" posts to a minimum, please.
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Post by SDHawk »

I suppose now's the time to ask. Should we transfer posts over from oldest to newest, or newest to oldest? Doing the newest first feels a bit weird 'cause I don't want anyone to be confused that someone deleted their question or whatever when they see it missing. But doing oldest first is also weird because the process is going to take some time and it's weird to have a forum populated largely by old posts. Suppose we could go from newest-and-dormant to oldest as a side step, or just wait a few weeks before starting the transfer. Or I'm just over thinking it and oldest to newest will be fine.

Either that or you're just thinkin' of a bulk thread listing followed by a move all at once in which case the question is moot.
Last edited by SDHawk on Mon Jan 26, 2015 3:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Bob the Hamster »

Definitely newest first.
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Post by Sparoku »

Good idea. It makes things feel more stream-lined. :)
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Post by Mogri »

You could leave shadow threads in the Game forum if you think it'll be an issue.
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Post by SDHawk »

Aight, make sense. Probably won't actually be an issue, seems like people are taking to the Q&A forum already.
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Post by TMC »

Looking at the Game Design forum, it seems to me that a majority of threads are those asking questions, so I'm not sure what the scope actually should be. Is it basically a successor to the HelpMe board from 15 years ago? If so a majority of threads really would belong there, including, eg, ones about engine bugs.

But I guess it's moot because either way noone will bother to shift thousands of threads, but only the most useful ones.
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