Just a reminder that votes are due by the end of this month. Remember that you can post them in this thread or via PM.
To kick things off, I'll share my votes. I feel bad because there's still many games I've yet to play, but I'll be extremely busy this month and will likely not be able to play many more before the due date. I still haven't played Motrya yet, among many others...
1 - Walthros
One of the best OHRRPGCE games out there. With it being a decade old now, I'd say that is quite a feat.
2 – Origin
Origin is a great example of a traditional OHRJRPG done right. It also has one of the better delivered stories I’ve seen in any OHRRPGCE game to date.
3 - Spellshard: The Black Crown of Horgoth
Hard enough at times to make you fighting mad, but a fantastic game nonetheless. It also throws you back to the 80s/90s JRPG era where most games were extremely difficult.
4 - Entrepreneur: The Beginning
I have no idea how the crap Pepsi Ranger scripted this thing, but I would love to see a complete title someday.
5 - Memoria
An older OHRRPGCE title that has actually aged well and it is unfortunate that it will likely never be finished.
6 - Monterey Penguin
One of the oldest-surviving OHRRPGCE games that manages to still shine even after all these years.
7 - Curse of Vampire
A fine example on how to make a fun and intriguing game with little to no eye candy.
8 - Vikings of Midgard
Top notch graphics and acceptable gameplay, Vikings is an OHRRPGCE classic.
9 - Bloodlust
There are only a handful of horror OHR games out there and it is a great example of how to do it right.
10 - Missing
Being a huge Déjà vu and Shadowgate fan, I absolutely loved Missing.
11 - Fantasy Under a Blue Moon X
Hard (from a grinding standpoint), annoying at times, and redundant, FUABMX requires a lot of time and patience, but is a truly rewarding game.
12 - Phantom Tactics
Because I was a Final Fantasy Tactics junkie for years and years, I loved Phantom Tactics. Yet another game I’d really like to see updated at some point.
13 - Blasphemous Saga Fantasy
Even though it is a short “tech” demo, it does almost everything right. It makes you want to see more, which is exactly what demos should do.
14 - King of Gourmet: Feast For Your Life
One of the craziest ideas I’ve ever seen in any OHRRPGCE game, but it works surprisingly well.
15 – Fat Frog RPG
I had to give mad props to the game that brought me to the OHRRPGCE in the first place.
PS. Thanks for putting this on the front page!