The thread of codename suggestions

Talk about things that are not making games here. But you should also make games!

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Re: The thread of codename suggestions

Post by FnrrfYgmSchnish »

Klabautermann -- Dutch/German spirit or goblin that helps out with various things on ships, usually unseen unless the ship is doomed to sink soon.
Kanabo -- Japanese samurai spiked club/mace weapon that I've always thought looked kinda neat.
Khnum -- Egyptian god associated with the source of the Nile, said to create people's bodies from clay and place them in the mother's womb.
Kiribati -- Small island nation in the Pacific. Pronounced more like "keer-ih-bass," it's actually "Gilberts" transliterated into their language.
FYS:AHS -- Lower Yagziknia, Notebook entries for equipment
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Re: The thread of codename suggestions

Post by Hollyhart1 »

Kalimba - A musical instrument
Kenya - A country in Africa
Kali - Goddess of death and destruction in Hinduism
Kalki - The last Avatar, a.k.a. The magic boy who defeats Kali in Hinduism

That's all I got for now.
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