Recommend media about detectives pursuing serial killers?

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Recommend media about detectives pursuing serial killers?

Post by TheLordThyGod »

I’m trying to outline the plot for an adventure game about a detective pursuing a serial killer. Can anyone suggest reference material that specifically deals with that theme? Especially movies, video games, and true crime documentaries or podcasts. Books and comics recommendations are welcome, too, but those can be a little less convenient to access. Even a simple suggestion of "Hey, read the wiki about this particular weirdo" could be helpful. Thanks!
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Re: Recommend media about detectives pursuing serial killers?

Post by Bob the Hamster »

Have you read "Along Came A Spider" by James Patterson?
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Re: Recommend media about detectives pursuing serial killers?

Post by Bluefeather42 »

Twin Peaks - the first two seasons and "Fire Walk With Me". Silence of the Lambs - the movie's pretty close to the book, from what I remember. Green Arrow: Longbow Hunters focuses partially on a serial murderer. I think the Gabriel Knight games might be what you're looking for but you probably know about them.
Also, I highly recommend the Youtube channels Missing Enigma and Lore Lodge. They don't cover serial killers per se but rather missing people/unexplained disappearances that might give you some ideas. Although Lore Lodge has been doing some murder cases lately, I think.
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Re: Recommend media about detectives pursuing serial killers?

Post by Mogri »

I'm sure you're familiar with Death Note, though it's probably too fantastical to be of much use for you. My wife is a big fan of Forensic Files, which is true crime, dealing with criminals of widely varying levels of competence using modern investigation techniques. If you've heard of Luminol, Forensic Files is probably to blame.
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